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Patti Roberts.

The Background!


Our guest today is the most awesome author Patti Roberts!  Following is an interview we held.  She highlights parts of her life as well as gives us an insight to her latest book. 

Guest Post — Patti Roberts.  I didn’t always want to be a writer. No, not at all. I fell into after a crappy breakup. I wanted to do something that allowed me to use all my pent up emotion. Hence the reason why Paradox – The Angels Are here is a tad EMO.

My favorite part about writing is getting lost in the story — it is great! Grammar and punctuation… least favorite part. My favorite part about getting published is that I’m a self published indie author. The best feeling is one of that achievements you feel after months and months …. And months of writing.


I don’t really have a writing routine.  I have a writing nook in my bedroom. Notes and loud music (Headphones) can get me in the mood to write.

The Paradox Series.


Blurb for the Paradox series:​

Two Worlds. One Ancient… still reeling from the ravages of a War. A World where powerful Beings from Ancient Civilizations rule. A Realm Where Gods, Angels, Myths and Magic still exists.


Long ago, in an almost forgotten Realm, a race of fallen Angles, the Grigori, clash with a ruling house of Angels, the Bulguardi. Their battle changed events in the Ancient World and the New World forever.
A Realm where a year can last centuries and an Ancient magical people still rule, even the immortals face danger. 


Rising up from their imprisonment in the underground, evil has returned and the Grigori are on a destructive path of revenge. When their preferred food source becomes scarce, Earth, a world teaming with humans, becomes their target.


Trapped in the middle between the old world and the new is Grace, a little girl cursed with horrific visions from a past she does not understand.

Over the centuries, from the time before time, the Grigori were called many things. In Greece, they called them, Vrykolakas. In Romania, Strigoi. In earlier times, there were others. Other blood-sucking
demons, that preyed on the innocent. In ancient Babylonia, it was Lilitu and her sistren, who instilled fear among the Babylonians. In the new world, they would go by another name. Vampire.


A world that defies logic and reason. A world that may very well be true: The Paradox Series By Patti Roberts.


Book 3 in the Paradox Series – Bound By Blood is due for release 28th October 2012.

​We Ask The Hard Questions!
What song or book or movie best fits your life? And Why? Well I’m not sure of any book that best fits my life persay, other than the ones I’m writing. The books and the characters most certainly rule my world. Currently I’m listening to Battle Scars by Guy Sebastian.

If you could have only one book for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? I could never choose – there are too many great books out there – and so many yet to read.


If you were a cartoon character who would you be and why? A princess with super powers!


If you had to live without your car or your computer, which would you choose? Hands down – I would keep the computer!


If you had to live without your cell phone or books, which would you choose? I could live without the phone.


What’s your favorite thing to do to relax? Watch a great movie or read a book – and eat chocolate!


If you had to be one of your characters, which would you be and why? Holly or Estella from books 2 and 3 in the Paradox Series. They are kick arse!


Your books have a wide range of genres, do they have any common themes? Myth/death/love

Just a walk in the forest,

or is it??


Check out the trailer!

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